Selling the North Since 1984
Seller Tips
How to Increase Saleability of Your Home

There are many factors that will impact a sale – location, financing, marketing, price, and the condition of the home. While some of these factors you are not able to change (location or financing), there are many things you can do to increase the sales appeal of your home. 


The first option you have is price. Of course, if your listing price is below market value then you may sell your home much more quickly. However, this option will not maximize the dollars you receive for the home. A REALTORŪ can help you maximize both the price and timing of the sale.

Condition of the home

The second option is improving the condition of the home. To get your home ready for sale, it is important to minimize the negatives and enhance the positives. Spend some time and money on that all-important first impression. It’s far more important than you may realize. 

Be sure to incorporate improvements, changes, and personal touches that play upon all of the senses – sight, smell, hearing, and touch. Some examples include:

Sight: The inside and outside of the house (including the landscaping) should be neat, organized and clean. Repair all cracks in walls and ceilings and paint in neutrals if possible. 

Smell: Minimize or eliminate any pet smells. Before a showing, have fresh flowers or a scented candle burning.

Hearing: Fix creaking doors or floors. Fix any noisy mechanicals. 

Touch: Fix loose doorknobs and difficult to open doors.

Your REALTORŪ can provide you with many more ideas for appealing to all of the senses and maximizing the saleability of your home.

The third and most critical option is marketing of the property. It is important to reach the right audience with the right message. 

Coldwell Banker has strong experience in this area. Some of our marketing tactics include newspaper, signage, open houses, the real estate guide, the Centre Square Mall kiosk, and our award-winning website where we provide on-line consumers with a virtual tour. In addition, Coldwell Banker REALTORSŪ have an extensive buyer network (already pre-qualified) to immediately share your listing and sell the unique qualities of your home.